Daily Puppy Picture Challenge – Update 5

I never finished last weeks update so am getting behind. Pumpkin is growing fast, running fast and still has those puddle puppy eyes.

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Daily Puppy Picture Challenge Update 4 – A weeks peek at Pumpkin Pie

Well I didn’t think I would make this weeks installment on the daily puppy challenge; I decided to work on the other two sequences and lost my Adobe Lightroom for three days. I got things back this morning so here they are:

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Daily Puppy Picture Challenge Update 3 – I made it to day 50

There was more wet nasty winter gloom again this this week. I was able to get a real nasty wet picture and some other outside shots during breaks rain. Finding new place to setup in the house is getting harder as you will see in the last shot. Maybe it’s just my imagination.

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Puppy Picture Challenge Update 2

It has been a wet nasty gloom this week. So my outdoor shots are from the garage or I used other tricks to stay dry. Also, luckily, got to play with my new off camera soft box for my flash. All in all it’s been a good week but I am running low on ideas and the rain isn’t helping.

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Puppy & Ball Daily Pictures Update 1

We named our puppy Pumpkin Pie Lollypop. I am 36 days or 10% complete with the year long challenge and I have results to show. I am want to show some of the Pumpkin Pie Lollypop having fun with her ball. I may take 60 pictures a day in this sequence because Pumpkin like most puppies is at an energy level that is a blur on most pictures. I need about an hour to do the shoot and at least that much to select and process the photos into the sequence. During my shoot I keep my down-select criteria in mind: clear image of puppy and ball, sharp focus on puppy eyes, catch light, whole puppy in the frame. I look for pictures where the relationship between Pumpkin and her ball is interesting and hope to catch some serendipitous moments and tell a story.

Pumpkin Ball Sequence Day 36

Image of

Day 36 - 10% of the challenge

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Puppy Pictures Daily Challenge

We purchased a new Golden Retriever puppy this Christmas. Julie tricked me into starting a year long photography challenge requiring me to take a picture each day to show our new puppy growing up. I think she wishes she had something like that for their Golden. I was taking pictures anyway so I thought: why not it would be neat to mesh them together in a video watch the puppy morph into an adult. I like the path less traveled but this is like doing a marathon on a whim. To those who would travel this path: think of things you do every day, no matter what the weather, no matter how you feel, things you do no matter what AND then add in at least two more hours each day. Also you will have to balance routine with novelty your if you are like me you will go nuts. There are lots of benefits of forcing a structure of creating daily images and I’ll post on that later.

Starting December 30th, I started taking three sequences: One is a puppy head shot on my shoulder, Next is a puppy seated in my lap shot, and Lastly is a puppy with a ball shot.

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Hubble We Will Miss You

It is truly amazing the images we can get from the Hubble Space Telescope!


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Air Breathing Electric Thruster

A cross between ram jet fusion drive and a ion drive, very cool



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Why I don’t play On-Line Games, ReShare items or take quizzes like “if you were and X what X would you be?”

From-AAAS“Computers aren’t yet as smart and sultry as the one in Her, but armed with your Facebook data, they can accurately judge your personality in a fraction of a second. Compared with humans predicting their friends’ personalities …”


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The Answer To: “Believe This Or You Don’t Belong In My Company”

It is an election year and it is being reported that the Democrats are at risk of losing the Senate and remaining the minority party in the US House.  I am an Independent and my views swing both conservative and liberal usually for reasons not associated with the rhetoric of the day.  I also work for the U.S. Government and as such I have freely given up my right to politic for any particular political party. It is just one of many sacrificed rights required by law for Government and in particular Military civilian employees.

Recently a family a family member posted a link to a video on a conservative blog or news site.  It reportedly showing a U.S. Navy Seal exercising his free speech right expressing his beliefs which also included the stunt of tossing a Karan to the ground at his feet.  I would say what was depicted was a man with ultra-right, anti-Islam, anti-President Obama views.

I used the words “reportedly and depicted” because let’s face it’s the internet and it’s like a child putting an old penny in it’s mouth and being scolded by the Mom: “You don’t know where that’s been!”  I am not fooled by the apparent “grass roots” look and feel of the site and video; I know the money and resources involved in developing and maintaining a site like I was taken to.  I donate my time and resources to three non-profit, non-political organizations by supporting their web presence and graphic needs.  The site that has the video is carefully crafted and requires many paid writers, web and political communication professionals.  The “grass roots” look to me is just another subtle tool to make you believe it is authoritative by being “common sense”.

My family member challenged all of his friends and family, that if anyone was offended by it not just disagreed with it to unfriend him.  Well I am offended by the video; it was too similar to the Nazi propaganda I studied in school. Put the man in a brown shirt uniform, add some iron boots change out Islam for Jewish, and the Karan for the Torah and you almost have a historical reenactment.  But I will not unfriend him because such polarization isn’t good for a family; political polarization in general ends political discussion and can lead to violent unrest as we have seen over and over in history and present day geopolitics.


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