INCOSE Sounthern Maryland Chapter

This is my sand box to help transfer the INCOSE Southern Maryland Chapter Website to WordPress

3 Responses to INCOSE-SoMD

  1. avatar John says:

    Site needs to post the following types of information: Meeting announcements (INCOSE, Chapter, BOD, Other), Newsletters, Minutes, Presentations, PDF flyers, vCal, Maps, Pictures, Sponsorship announcements (AVUSI, Science & Engineering Fair, Future Cities), Survey results, Election Information (Bios, Ballot, results), BOD contact information, Chapter Awards, Member Awards

  2. avatar John says:

    Hi John,

    I’m not sure if everyone has had an opportunity to look at the site yet.

    General comment: increase all font to bold; the white text is very hard to read, especially in the box down the right side of the page. (I confirmed my monitor was full bright…)

    BOD—what are your thoughts on the layout?

    BTW, we won the 2010 Gold Award. Congrats.


  3. avatar John says:

    Posted Kellie’s email and changed one of the options in the WordPress Theme Suffusion so that it is now black on white. I am not very versed on the Cascading Style Sheets so updating the Font to Bold is not an option yet. Suffusion has a lot of options so I may find one that will help and there are a lot of themes to try. I need to get the site moved over as quickly as I can and then tweak with theme and custom changes. Getting the domain switched and WordPress setup and all the data moved over will we quite a big job as it is.

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