Puppy & Ball Daily Pictures Update 1

We named our puppy Pumpkin Pie Lollypop. I am 36 days or 10% complete with the year long challenge and I have results to show. I am want to show some of the Pumpkin Pie Lollypop having fun with her ball. I may take 60 pictures a day in this sequence because Pumpkin like most puppies is at an energy level that is a blur on most pictures. I need about an hour to do the shoot and at least that much to select and process the photos into the sequence. During my shoot I keep my down-select criteria in mind: clear image of puppy and ball, sharp focus on puppy eyes, catch light, whole puppy in the frame. I look for pictures where the relationship between Pumpkin and her ball is interesting and hope to catch some serendipitous moments and tell a story.

Pumpkin Ball Sequence Day 4

Image of

Day 4


About John

Father to Julie, Husband to Judy, all of us Walkers and proud citizens of USA
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